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Comprehensive Plan

Proposed Comprehensive Plan and Reports for 2025 - 2028

Here is the link to provide any feedback on the plan should you desire to do so.


District Profile

130 Berlin Rd
New Oxford, PA 17350
(717) 624-2157  

Superintendent: Sharon A. Perry, Ed.D.                                                                                                                                                 Assistant Superintendent: Wesley T. Doll, Ed.D.
Director of Special Education: Stephanie D. Corbin, Ed.D.

Mission Statement
The Conewago Valley School District promotes individual and collaborative excellence enabling students to become competent, confident, and creative builders of the future.

Vision Statement
Conewago Valley School District empowers students.

Belief Statements
We Believe:

  • All students can grow academically, emotionally, physically, and socially.
  • All students deserve a safe learning environment. All students have the greatest opportunity to learn in a safe environment.
  • All students should be challenged and accept ownership of learning in order to reach their full potential.
  • All students should learn the value of collaboration and competition
  • All students will be given a variety of opportunities to assist them in becoming well-rounded individuals.
  • All students are responsible for determining their own future with the support of family, community, and educators.
  • Making learning relevant is the key to engagement.
  • Our educational programs provide opportunities for students to be an asset to their school and community.
  • Our educational programs provide authentic opportunities to develop basic skills, life skills, critical thinking skills, conflict resolution, and problem-solving skills.
  • Quality education promotes life-long learners. leading to new knowledge and personal growth
  • Excellence in education depends on continuous evaluation of curriculum, development of staff, and quality facilities.
  • CVSD is a community of respect where each person has intrinsic worth and therefore must be accepted and treated with dignity.