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Health Services

Mandy Bales

Locations: Conewago Valley School District
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157

Kim Bethas

Locations: New Oxford Middle School
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157 ext. 3007

Michele Brown

Locations: New Oxford Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157 ext. 7007

Jordyn Main

Locations: Conewago Valley Intermediate School
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157 ext. 4007

Christy Nobile

Locations: New Oxford High School
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157 ext. 2007

Susan Photiades

Locations: Conewago Township Elementary
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157 ext. 8007

Jennifer Turner

Locations: Conewago Valley Intermediate School, Non-Public Schools
Phone Numbers:
School: (717) 624-2157

The main function of the School Health Services is physical and dental examinations and follow-up with the aim that all remedial defects be corrected.  The health program includes physical examinations, dental screenings, vision, hearing, height and weight, BMI, scoliosis screening, and health counseling.

Emergency care will be administered to those students who become ill or have accidents during school hours. In case of major illness or accident, the following procedures will be followed:

  1. Parents will be called for instruction.
  2. Procedures listed on the Student Emergency Information Form will be followed.
  3. The student will be taken to the emergency room at the hospital. Treatment of minors in the emergency room is given only in life-threatening situations without the consent of the parent or guardian.

At the beginning of each school year, parents are asked to complete the Student Emergency Information Form. The form should be filled in accurately and the school should be notified of any changes in procedure, address, or telephone numbers that occur during the school year. The parent or guardian must sign this emergency form. It is very important that some responsible person can be reached at all times, should there be an emergency with a student. A list of medications approved by the school physician is provided to parents annually for parent approval. Medications not on the list will not be dispensed without parent and physician written approval.