CVSD is very proud of the efforts made with regard to safety and security assessments and the ongoing evaluation of our practices.
In May of 2023, the Pennsylvania State Police were onsite and conducted a thorough Risk And Vulnerability Assessment of all campuses. As a result, the district is addressing areas of need and bolstering our strengths.
In April of 2023 The Center For Safe Schools was onsite to conduct a behavioral health and building climate study. Many positives came out of this and the identification of some areas in which we'll need to grow.
We are very proud of the CVSD Safety Task Force. This is a 30 person body that meets monthly, This includes administrators, teachers, support staff and local police, fire and EMS services. This group engages in safety table top activities. Additionally, it addresses safety issues and helps craft the goals and mission of safety at CVSD.
Each building also has a building level safety team that also meets monthly and serves as an arm of the CVSD Safety Task Force and includes additional building level members.