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Internet access resources


Internet access for Conewago Valley Students

There are many options for families to obtain internet access while students are off campus. The Conewago Valley School District permits students to connect to Wireless networks off campus anywhere that wireless internet access is available. We do have a few resources for families who do not have internet access at home.

Comcast internet essentials

Comcast offers an internet essentials program to families who qualify for WIC, housing assistance, Medicaid, SNAP, and the National School lunch program. Comcast partners with schools to provide this access to students and families who are within Comcast's service territory. This is the District's recommended solution as it provides families with internet access year round.

For more information about the Internet Essentials program please visit Comcast's website.

CVSD Hotspot loan program

CVSD has a limited number of hotspots available for loan to families who do not have internet access at home. These are pre-configured to work with student and staff iPads. The hotspots will not work with devices which are not managed by the district. We kindly ask that families use the hotspots as a last resort as the availability is limited.

For more information about this program please visit the knowledge base article.